Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Melalui Model Pembelajaran StudentTteams Achievment Division (STAD) di Kelas XII IPA 3 MAN 1 Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020
Main Article Content
The research with the title "Increasing Learning Activeness and Student Learning Outcomes in Mathematics through the Application of the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Model for Class XII IPA 3 Students in MAN 1 Tegal Odd Semester Academic Year 2019/2020", is a Classroom Action Research. What is examined in this study is the application of learning with the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) model, the improvement of student learning outcomes, and how active student learning is during the learning process. This study uses observations to determine the learning process of Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and to determine student learning activeness, and tests to determine student learning outcomes. From the results of this study, it was found that: (1) The learning process using the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) model is as follows: Stage 1: Group formation, Stage 2: Teaching, Stage 3: Study Team, Stage 4: Tests / Quizzes, Stage 5: Recognition; (2) By applying the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) model, the learning outcomes of class XII IPA 3 MAN 1 Tegal in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year subject to mathematics have increased from the initial conditions, the first cycle, and the second cycle. The increase is as follows: In the initial condition there were 55% of unfinished students, 45% of students who had completed. In the first cycle, there were 29% of students who had not completed, and there were 71% of students who had completed. In the second cycle, there were 14% of students who had not completed, while there were 86% of students who had completed. Thus until the second cycle, students whose learning outcomes were complete reached more than 85%; (3) The activeness of students during the learning process from the first and second cycles increases, namely as follows: In the initial conditions (a) students with low activity 66%, medium activeness 18%, high activeness 16%. In the first cycle (a) students with low activity 28.1%, medium activeness 41.2%, high activity 30.7%. In the second cycle (a) students with low activity 8.8%, medium activeness 44.7%, high activity 46.5%.
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