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Children with Down Syndrome experience developmental delays globally in gross and fine motor skills. This motor delay is accompanied
by mild to moderate Intellectual Disability with a majority IQ between 40 and 70.Miller and Chapman (1984) in Paul & Norbury (2012)
estimate that nearly 50% of children with non-specific intellectual disabilities have language skills equivalent to their nonverbal abilities. .
The rest have language skills that are not commensurate with their nonverbal abilities, namely 25% have a relative expressive language
deficit. Speech therapist has a role in handling cases of Intellectual Disability in language skills. Therapeutic planning that is set on the
client in the form of a short-term goal is to improve receptive language skills at the level of the family category noun with an accuracy level
of 50% for 3 consecutive sessions and the therapy material given to the client is the exercise of pointing at family photos, namely: nizam,
mother, ladies and gentlemen. This study aims to determine the description of the Intellectual Disability case at the Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang, to find out the description of therapy planning in the Intellectual Disability case at the Tugurejo Hospital Semarang, to
determine the factors that influence the management of Speech Therapy in the Intellectual Disability case at the Tugurejo Hospital
Semarang. The results of therapy on the ability to understand the family category as many as 5 meetings for 5 weeks with an accuracy
level of 80% have increased even though they have not been able to be consistent for 3 consecutive sessions. After 5 sessions of therapy, it
can be seen that the specified short-term goals have not been achieved because they are influenced by several factors, namely the age of the
client who is 6 years old and the client's poor attention


Management of Speech Therapy Down Syndrome Intellectual Disability Modeling

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