Inequality Effect of Metacognition and Adaptivity Skill in Science Achievement of Indonesia Students

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Mobinta Kusuma


This  study aims to determine the  influence of inequality in metacognition and adaptability  to the  achievement of science scores at the student level and school level  in Indonesia.     Science learning  is expected to be   able to develop high-level  thinking skills needed in the educational process  in the industrial era  4.0, including factors of metacognition ability and  ability  adaptation.  This research is an  expost facto study with  a  qualitative exploratory descriptive type. The data is secondary  data derived from the 2018 PISA survey.  Data analysis using multilevel linear models through the Jamovi 1.6.23 program.  The multilevel model used consists of  3 models, namely (1) intercept model  without predictor, (2) intercept model with predictor level  1  , (  3) intercept model with predictor  level1 & level 2. The results  of the analysis show that  model 2  is  considered significant that the  achievement of  students'  science scores is more influenced  by  student abilities, while the  type of school does not have a contribution  which is significant to the achievement of science scores.

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