Analisis Kemampuan Taruna Akademi Maritim Nusantara Dalam Memahami Konsep Fisika Mekanika
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The ability to understand the physical concepts of mechanics in Applied Physics subjects is important for cadets. This understanding will later be
used in the clarification of technical problems and ship engineering. The objectives of this study are (1) To produce a profile of the ability of the
Maritime Academy cadets in understanding the concepts of mechanical physics, and (2) To show differences in physical abilities based on school
origin and regional origin. The subject of this research is the Nusantara Maritime academy cadets who have studied applied physics, and are in the
same semester. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional approach. The main data collection of this study was obtained using
Interview techniques. In addition, there are supporting data which are the results of written research subjects' work in understanding physics physics
questions. The results of this study are as follows: there is no difference in the ability of cadets to complete physics mechanics based on regional origin
with a P value = 0.09 and there is a difference in the ability of cadets to complete mechanical physics based on educational origin with P = 0.043.
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